Concorso di Design Rugvista!


slice di Елизавета Мошкова



For the design of the works, Elizabeth took as the basis of watermelon. This is a simple berry, inspired her to create an original design of the carpet

Sulla Елизавета Мошкова

Elizabeth Moshkova works as a manager at a major oil company. She is 25 years old. As a child, she attended art school. In her free time, she works part-time as a graphic designer. She heard about the contest from his friends and decided to try their hand in it.
Елизавета Мошкова работает менеджером в крупной нефтяной компании. Ей 25 лет. В детстве она посещала художественную школу. В свободное от работы время она подрабатывает графическим дизайнером. Она услышала об этом конкурсе от своих друзей и решила попробовать свои силы в нем.

Altri disegni di Елизавета Мошкова

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