Concorso di Design Rugvista!


Foliage - green/blue di Stine Engels Henriksen



With the "Foliage" carpet design I wanted to incorporate something more organic and soft, but in a way that would fit with a contemporary decoration style. It was also important that the design and colors would compliment both very modern but also vintage furniture. A combination that I find works the best to achieve a modern yet cosy style for your home.
Ideen med "Foliage" tæppet var, at få et organisk udtryk der dog let ville passe ind i en moderne indretnings stil. Målet var også at det færdige tæppes udtryk og farver ville komplimentere både moderne og retro/vintage møbler. Efter min mening den bedste kombination for at opnå en moderne men hyggelig indretning i ens hjem.

Sulla Stine Engels Henriksen

Stine Engels Henriksen is a Copenhagen based graphic designer. Besides holding BA in graphic design her background also includes an education in Commercial Arts and art school. Through her business she works with all types of design and visual communication. From packaging, illustrations, visual identity and environmental graphics to all types of printed items.
Stine Engels Henriksen er grafisk designer bosiddende i København. Ud over en BA i grafiks design fra Mediehøjskolen inkluderer hendes baggrund også en uddannelse som Mediegrafiker samt et år på kunstskole. I sin virksomhed løser hun alle former for design og visuel kommunikation. Alt fra emballage, illustrationer og visuel identitet til grafik i rum og alle former for tryksager.

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