Concorso di Design Rugvista!


Fugl og fisk di Marianne Tümmler



The idea of my proposals are blanket to form a pattern in which one can recognize animals or trees. By flipping the subject and repeat it in different colors creating a rhythm, for example: Fish or another motive: Spruces. The colors are kept in calm tones - so the carpet does not work dominant. The colors of the characters is changing and is not symmetrical put together. That means you can explore through the colors.
Ideen med mine tæppeforslag er at danne et mønster hvor man kan genkende dyr eller træer. Ved at spejlvende motivet og gentage det i forskellige farver opstår en rytme af for eksempel: Fisk eller som et andet motiv: Grantræer. Farverne er holdt i rolige nuancer – så tæppet ikke virker dominerende. Farverne på figurene ændrer sig og er ikke allke symmetrisk sat sammen. Det gør at man kan gå på opdagelse igennem farverne

Sulla Marianne Tümmler

Danish artist Marianne Tümmler was born in 1952. In 1975 she graduated at The Danish Design School-course graphics and illustration. Fine art has always been an important part of her life. She has worked as a graphic designer, illustrator, teacher of painting and technical classes. Her works have been exhibited and published since 1975.
Since 1985 she has participated in exibitions with other Danish naive artists.
She likes to use old doors or wood plates as base for her oil paintings. She says that her paintings carry naivety with a nostalgic touch of romanticism, humor and fairy-tales. Her painting language expresses tiny happy moments of everyday life. Thus she loves to accept orders to paint the walls of kindergardens, hospitals, railway stations and also private homes. She has a lot of exhibitions in galleries and arts organizations.
Dansk kunstner Marianne Tümmler født 1952. Uddannet1975 på Danmarks Designskole (Skolen for Brugskunst)- på grafisk linie
Kunst har altid været en vigtig del af hendes liv. Hun har arbejdet som grafisk designer, illustrator, og undervist i formning.
Hun har udstillet siden1975.
Fra 1985 har hun udstillet jævnligt sammen med: De Danske Naivister
Hun kan lide at bruge gamle trædøre til hendes oliemalerier og at finde motiver i rester af den gamle maling på dørene
Hun siger at hendes motiver er nostalgisk- humoristiske og tit har en eventyrstemning. Hendes malerier prøver ofte at beskive et lykkeligt øjeblik. Hun har dekoreret vægge i bla. børnehave- bibliotek og hospital

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