Concorso di Design Rugvista!


berries di Ilze Melnalksne



Sulla Ilze Melnalksne

Ilze Melnalksne has always been an artist at heart. As a child she was inspired by nature, and she is still a child of nature. She has worked as an interior designer for the past five years and always lets her creativity be influenced and adapted to the style of the people who are intended to live in the houses that she designs. She has also worked as a graphic designer. This is the second time that she has participates in the competition and it inspires her to be even more creative.
Esmu māksliniece jau kopš bērnības - savā sirdī.
Esmu dabas bērns, tā mani vienmēr ir iedvesmojusi un vēljoprojām to dara.
Ikdienā strādāju gan par interjera dizaineri, gan grafisko dizaineri.
Savos darbos vienmēr domāju par cilvēkiem, kas dzīvos manis dizainētajās telpās.
Carpet Vista dizaina konkursā piedalos jau otro reizi un tas man liek būt radošai un veidot kaut ko jaunu, apvienojot visas manas zināšanas un radošās prasmes.

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