Rugvista Designkonkurranse!


Vento africano av Paola Rota



I was inspired by the colors of the African fabrics that I really like and I added movement to the triangles as if the wind was blowing.
Mi sono ispirata ai colori dei tessuti africani che mi piacciono molto dando movimento ai triangoli come fossero mossi dal vento.

Om Paola Rota

Paola Rota is from Verona, Italy and was born on 17/06/1946. She has been passionate about painting since she was a child. In 1966 she graduated in Accounting at the Lorgna Institute in Verona. She has been attending several classes including Figure Drawing and Watercolor Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts"Cignaroli"in Verona.She exposed her works during collective exhibitions.
Paola Rota di Verona Italia nata il 17/06/1946.Fin da piccola appassionata di disegno.Diplomata in Ragioneria nel 1966 presso Istituto Lorgna di Verona.Da 10 anni frequenta vari corsi di disegno e pittura fra cui un corso di disegno dal Vero e uno di Acquerello presso l'Accademia di Belle arti"Cignaroli"di Verona.Ha partecipato a mostre collettive.

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