

Secrets von Dhiya Khairina



“Secrets” brings up the theme of ‘hidden truth’. Bold red color represents beauty, as inspired by the color of lips or lipstick. While yellow here represents 'lie', and its pattern resembles a ‘knife’. This symbolizes the phrase ‘things aren't always what they seem’. Everyone has secrets. Perhaps we have them because we fear of being judged, or something else. For whatever reason, it’s what makes us human. The playful design is inspired to celebrate that ‘part’ of us. Despite of all, it adds spice to our lives and makes life much more interesting.

Über Dhiya Khairina

Dhiya Khairina was born in Jakarta, 1997. Since the age of 12, she has lived in several other countries. As an art enthusiast, she has participated in numerous related competitions and workshops. Currently an undergraduate student, hoping to pursue business and design studies. Trying to live by the motto “carpe diem”, and wishes to go on more adventures and learn new things as an artist. Hopes that her artworks can inspire people in some ways.

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