Concorso di Design Rugvista!


Constellation di Elvis Mehmeti



Constellation is a set of stars. A more modern astronomical sense of the term is as a recognisable pattern of stars whose appearance is associated with mythological characters or creatures, or associated earthbound animals or objects. It also denotes named groups of stars in the shape of stellar-patterns. This is the idea of my design, to have the sensation of observing the stars.
Kostelacion eshte nje bashkesi yjesh. Ky term astronomik eshte i lidhur me vezhgimin e yjeve dhe lidhjen e tyre me personazhe mitologjike apo krijesa ,objekte ose kafshe te tokes. Ajo tregon emrin e formes se modeleve yore. Kjo eshte ideja e dizajnit tim te kete ndjesin e vezhgimit te yjeve.

Sulla Elvis Mehmeti

Elvis Mehmeti was born on July 5, 1992 in Elbasan, Albania. He studied art in high school "Onufri" Elbasan painting department. Later he pursed a Bachelor and Master in traditional graphics at the Academy of Arts in Tirana. Working as painter and decorator.
Elvis Mehmeti lindur ne 5 korrik 1992 ne Elbasan (ALBANIA).Kreu studimet ne Elbasan ne shkollen e mesme artistike "Onufri" dega pikture. Dhe me pas ne Akademine e Arteve Tirane perfundoi studimet Bachelor dhe Master ne degen grafike tradicionale.

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